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8AM-8PM Monday-Friday

Call us at 1-833-252-2737 (TTY 711)

8AM-8PM Monday-Friday

Therapeutic Recreation

Fall Fun!

Fall is here, and at CenterLight Healthcare Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly, we want you to have a safe and fun autumn! Our Therapeutic Recreation Team has created a list of fun activities you can do all fall long to take advantage of the season.

Summer Fun!

Summer is here, and at CenterLight, we want you to have a safe and fun summer! Our recreation staff has created a list of fun activities you can do all summer long to beat the heat.

Coloring Sparks Creativity

A lot of us remember spending hours as children with coloring books. As we got older, we put our crayons away for other things we considered more important or entertaining. Here, we discuss how Teamcare Cornaga ACS is using coloring as an activity to help spark creativity and relaxation.

Horticulture Therapy

Gardening is a great activity for people of all ages and has many therapeutic benefits. At CenterLight Teamcare, Regional Day Health Center Director Christine Berkner leads participants in horticulture therapy.

The Benefits of Tea Therapy

Every month, CenterLight Teamcare Therapeutic Recreation Specialist Angelina Holmes leads Tea Therapy with a dedicated group of participants. For May, she chose peach tea because it is fragrant, delicious, and perfect for the warming weather.